Thursday 11 February 2016

On Official Business

By request of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Humanitarian Department, and Kent Social Services, Marisa Rickard (Now Stake Welfare Specialist), Naomi Potter (Stake welfare assistant) and myself (Happy helper Danielle Vernes) returned to Calais to discuss the needs of the refugees and how the said organisations could be of help. This proved to be a very educational and productive trip even though we were perhaps not of much physical use. We were able to learn first hand of the current  needs of both the build warehouse, and the kitchen at L'auberge des migrants international. But most interestingly we were able to spend some time with the volunteers running the "unofficial women and children's centre" in the Jungle. We stood bewildered and shocked at the desperate need for assistance in taking care of and teaching the unaccompanied children aged 12-16. These children, mostly young boys have developed hard shells as they have learnt to fend for themselves under the worst of circumstances and as a result have some deeply routed emotional, mental and behavioural issues. Though tough on the outside, these boys are broken and hurting underneath, and are in dire need of love, care and most of all understanding. The "unofficial women and children centre" is doing all that they can with minimal support and resources to help integrate these young lads into their communities and prepare them for a future that we all pray they will have. 

Marisa, Naomi and Danielle enjoying some of the lovely food prepared by the Kitchens at L'auberge warehouse. Thanks to the generous donations of many, L'auberge kitchens are able to provide 6000 people in the camps with warm food ever day.

Donations the Build warehouse are always grateful for. 

1 comment:

  1. I know this is perhaps not the most insightful comment but that was the best food I've ever had a L'auberge.
